About Us

United Nations Field Staff Union

About Us

All internationally recruited staff members assigned to United Nations entities that are designated as Peacekeeping operation (Mission) and/or Special Political Operation (Mission) and those secretariat staff recognised under a bilateral agreement of association consistent with staff rules and regulations shall be considered members of the UNFSU for the duration of their service.


What we do

We support the local UNFSU Committees, by engaging our committees through dialogue, training, accountability, and performance management. Ensuring that staff representatives are well informed through active two-way engagement activities, ensuring they are empowered and have the required advocacy skills to support for their members. We also work in close contact with staff and management in the missions and facilitate the establishment of local committees in the missions with no formal staff representation in place.


We advocate for staff and the issues affecting them, reviewing polices and our conditions of service to ensure that reform and restructuring do not result in a deterioration and inconveniencing of field personnel and also ensure that the interests of the staff are taken into consideration before decisions that directly impact the staff’s conditions of employment, welfare and wellbeing.


We engage our members and other stakeholders through various communication platforms and social media channels, (i.e., Yammer, LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter) that facilitate this process and provide information on key issues affecting international UN field staff. These platforms and communication channels provide a direct and engaging forum to express their opinions, propose solutions and highlight problems, inefficiencies, discrimination, abuse and lack of accountability.


We safeguard staff rights by reaching out to the UN Field entity leaderships to address subjective interpretation of Staff Rules and Regulations, including the recent COVID-19 guidelines. We consult with staff on their personal specific cases and serve as a mediator or support in discussion with managers and supervisors. Advising staff on legal mechanisms of UN internal System of Justice facilitated by a team of legal experts. Serve as a reference point to connect staff with needed resources like the Regional service centers, Ombudsman’s office, OSLA etc.


At the organizational level the UNFSU Executive participates in various high-level staff-management consultative mechanisms such as the Staff Management Committee (SMC) as well as through the UNISERV federation in governance entities such as the Chief Executive Board’s High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM) and some of its subsidiaries such as the Inter Agency Security Management Network (IASMN) the Human Resources Network (HRN), as well as ICSC and some of its working groups etc.

UNFSU Executive

Paul Smith, Milan Dawoh and Jackline Sarah Ojwang Omondi

Paul Smith UNFSU

Mr. Paul Smith


Milan Dowah UNFSU

Mr. Milan Dawoh



Ms. Jackline Sarah Ojwang Omondi



Ms. Rosa Colucci

UNFSU Executive Administrative Support

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