Staff Wellbeing Survey

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Please find attached for your information a presentation highlighting the results of our second iteration of the “CoronaVirus Barometer for Staff Wellbeing”.

Some of the key points:

Confidence is not very high in missions providing safety and protection against potential Covid-19 exposure.
Staff report very high levels of anxiety.
Staff who work remotely report Social Isolation, general anxiety about COVID internet connectivity, communications with co-workers and job security as their biggest challenges.
Staff working in the missions’ report worries about their families and loved ones, general anxiety about COVID, to high workloads, and lack of R&R as their biggest challenges.
Confidence in the availability and standards of medical facilities in missions is not very high.
A relatively small percentage of staff have availed themselves of the services the staff counsellors’ offices provide.

There were very small variances with the first barometer survey sent out earlier this year.

The UNFSU through UNISERV now has a seat on the board for the Mental Health Strategy implementation board with whom it shared the findings of this survey.

We look forward to contributing meaningfully towards proposals that help to improve the wellbeing, health and mental health or our members.

Feel free to contact us should you have any questions or comments.

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